oh...i can feel it. sometimes... and its like hope for a very angry person. and purity for the most heinous of murderers. The blood cleanses the guilt off of you. No more blaming people...just assurance of the blessed saviour. The blood takes you places...high places off holiness where only the meek of the earth shall enter Who is meek? the children of God are.
excuse me sir? God just wanted me to tell you to be of good courage because the covenant you made with death and hell are no longer necessary, just trust in Him and He will take care of the rest.
no more "you need to be like THIS!" because there is forgivness and grace just where you are.
ah! my soul! my soul longs for your mercy!
Holy One of Israel!
Your blood breaks the lies..all those horrible lies. Your Word pierces the soul.
Your arm fights for the ones you love like a mighty man of valour...fighting for their happiness, for their joy, for their peace, for their love.
And you sit up in your throne and you cry for their salvation...for the whole worlds salvation, and your tears run down and make a mighty rushing river.
I want to bathe in your tears and i want to know what it feels like to have the joy of the lord.
A very beautiful desire, lately I've been wanting to love Him like He loves me. It is such a magnificent love I can't even imagine how. I love you my daughter and i think that is where it starts, with the love of others more than self.